Scriptures says in the book of Acts 20:32…
“And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified”
Understand Sanctification is the PATHWAY to glorification. There’s no other way! Do you want to be glorified? Then, be sanctified!
Ungodliness denies you access to God’s goodness. Godliness is living like God. Reigning like Him on earth. Asides Godliness, holiness beautifies & decorates your life (see 2 Tim. 2:19). It’s the platform for possessing your possession. Listen, it’s the ONLY VALID VISA to enter into God’s home (heaven)
Matthew 7:22 says, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?”
Revelation is the SUPERNATURAL enlightenment of your spiritual understanding. (Heb. 12:28) There are certain conditions to be met to enjoy & receive rewards. (Ps. 119:9)
Understand beyond every ungodly act, there are certain spirits behind them. Have you found yourself doing certain stuffs you never wanted to do, like Apostle Paul? Note: Decisions can break habits, but only spirits can destroy forces. God’s word is spirit. His word is truth.
John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
Let’s take a closer peep at few of these spirits:
(They’re called CONTROLLING SPIRITS) They must be conquered 📍
🎈Worldly spirits. 1 John. 2:15
🎈Unclean spirits. Matt. 10:1
🎈Seducing spirits. 1 Tim. 4:1
🎈Evil doctrines. 1 Jh. 5:18
Now, we’ve detected these spirits… how then can we destroy them from our lives. Not lying, they’ve to be destroyed… if you want to have rest in this world.
💣By the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Lk. 4:14.
Frame this:
Preacher: “Now, we’re going to speak in tongues for 20mins”
Bro. Fred: Pastor, I don’t have tongues
💣Through revelation: It illuminates every darkness around you.
💣Spirit of love: This rescues you from end-time trap!
Finally, behind everything we do (the music we vibe to, the movies we watch, influencers we listen to) there are spirits behind them all.
Their source determines their scope.
Demonic spirits are contending the Holy Spirit in you, and here you’re feeding the evil spirit more. The one you give much attention to, controls you!
The day the enemy comes like a rushing wind, how will you be able to raise a standard against them? Take mic, bro Mike!
Final note: Holiness is NOT a state of perfection, but a starve, crave, hunger & thirst to please God on daily basis.
Saul sinned, David sinned—but one would always return to rectify before God. While Saul would hardened his own heart.
Brethren, the worse thing you can do yourself is not sin oo—anybody can fall into temptation. But the worst thing is to hardened your heart in sin.
Press! Press!! So you won’t be depressed.
Press! Press!! So you won’t be oppressed.
Sin sinks destiny!!
Shalom 🕊