Enugu State Government Reportedly Demolishes Building While Individuals Were Still Inside

“Recent report claims Enugu government demolishes a gigantic mansion with inhabitants still inside “

Understand that there are diverse paths into the market, and so we’ve to crosscheck these issues from different angles.

It’s not today it started that we’ve been hearing various news as this. Some which later proves unrealistic; mere rumours. Different blogs with their diverse uncheckered strategies to draw traffic to their site.

In here on Newssphere247.com, we’re entirely different. We won’t give you meaningless information or news. Which is why on this particular news that has become an debatable issue across the nation, we’re not going the way others have gone. We’ll feed you in a much diverse manner.

  • First, we can deduce we’ve many crazy people in government, which overtime many of them have proven us right that they’re not utterly sane. Inside them there’s no iota of pity, not to talk of empathy… talkless of sympathy.

But on this, should we say ‘notice’ wasn’t passed across? Warnings weren’t issued? Or letters not sent?

We can’t believe that is the case, especially with the manner at which they executed the operation. It’s a clear indication, deliberate act that we warned you people, but you chose not to hear. You chose not to heed. Rather turning a deaf ear at our warnings & putting it to us to do our worst.

Let’s come to conclusion certain issues were sent before they decided to act the way they did.

  • Secondly, let’s accept that as a reality that certain notice was passed across to the occupant of the said building to vacate the premises & they chose not to heed.

Rather than demolishing a building with people in it, which is an inhumane act… why can’t the government agencies in charge employ the services of armed forces to go into the house & extract those stubborn inhabitants—then carry out their demolishing operation without prejudice.

Believe me, I’ve never seen a crazy actions like that video I watched (link below). Now after watching that clip, I kept asking myself questions like…

What if someone was asleep at the time of demolition?

What if someone died or was injured at that point?

It’s a “what if” order of question?

Then I ask myself this as regards this current government operational mannerism — has human life become so cheap to these people?

  • Thirdly, what exactly is the government’s plan? What is their exact agenda? Is their actions birthe out of pure intentions? That there’s no empty or vacant land elsewhere to plant their whatsoever project… rather than demolishing a giant mansion as that.

That building when built then would definitely cost millions of naira. It’s worth right now will be valued at multimillion naira. Talkless of the amount that’d be used to sit that calibre of house with this current economy… that inflation has become the order of the day.

Tell me, is this not wastefulness?

Conclusion: It’s good & quick to point accusing fingers at the government as their slightly poor in the discharge of their duties. But remember, the bad man will not act bad everyday. On occasional basis, the good springs forth from the bad. To be attentive is to be assertive.

Proving stubborn against the governing authorities is like making claim against God. Why? Because God has placed on earth unto us as semi-gods. The earlier you know this, the better for you. The faster you accept it, the safer for you. No matter what you do or who you are… you can never win over the government.

There’s nothing we can do against the truth, but for the truth. They’re the one in power, and it’s expected we submit to their authority. Rebellion against the government is the starting berth of violence.

When there’s adherence, there’ll be peace in the nation & lives will be preserved.

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