“Don’t try to get married except you meet these criteria — if you don’t want to regret your life forever”

I want you to first understand that marriage is a very necessary requirement for man to fulfill destiny on earth. Just as God created man, He also created other non-living things in which marriage is among.Marriage in this context is a unified connection between a man & a woman for multiplication (i.e continuity in humanity).However, for you to have a successful marriage, here are vital keys to possess:•

Attain the Right age: Marriage in this context can also be defined as the stage when someone attains a marriable age. There’s an age you’ve to attain where you’ll be qualified for marriage. This is not a function of how old you are, but how matured & fit you are, for marriage. •

Stable source of income: Note that this is not about being wealthy or rich, but financially okay. Financial stable. Having a sure & strong source of income that can shoulder your own responsibility & also cater for the needs of your own family.•

Emotional stability: It’s not a crime to have been in many relationships before actually getting married, but it’s a danger if you let your past relationship traumas get the best out of you.Don’t turn yourself into a poison just because someone breaks your heart.•

Be Spiritually Minded: There’s probably no hope or glory for a family without divine backing. Your family will always hit rock-bottom if your couples lacks prayers. Including your boys will become playboys if they don’t know how to pray; your girls will be played if they can’t pray.•

Set clear life goals & expectations: Without expectations, there can be no manifestation. It’s good to expect, but without setting clear goals & terms… I’m afraid your family will just be like other random families in the society. Without proper plan in place, expectations becomes frustrations.Dare to be different!


Understand that marriage is a sacred institution, and it doesn’t bow to your age or smartness. Except you’re blessed with marital bliss, you can never enjoy the beauty of marriage. To see the positive side of marriage is good, but to experience the evil part is like living on hell. Some enter into marriage & their life progress; while some are in marriage & they’re biting their finger in regret for the kind of partner they get married to.I wish you reading this a happy married life.

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