“Never ever call a woman a WEAKER vessel again! — here’s why”

I’m sure you’re familiar with the popular saying… “what a man can do, a woman can do better“. That is the greatest truth I learnt recently. Infact, it was imposed into my system like a bloodstream. In the thought of human perspective, they believe men are strong, women are weaker gender. As this may sound true to your ears, it’s not always entirely so. A woman’s mind is deep, man can not search it. Their heart is deeper than the oceans, man can not see what’s hidden inside it. What breaks a man, makes a woman stronger. They’re more tough in nature than all men combined.Their trust in nature helps keep their faith firm—to the level of unshaking. Point of unwavering. Deception. All is Deception — all what we’ve been fed from our day ONE here on earth. Their look seemingly feeble & flexible… may often appear as an emblem of timidity. But hear, what lies behind those soften appearances are as hard as the rock. Even the devil fears it! Behind every timidity of a woman lies rigidity that she’s hiding; full of calamity as any instance she decides to vent out anger… that boils with fury.

The life of a woman has passed through fire from the onset. Even from the point she starts growing something on her chest, signaling the change in her womanly embodiment. Unto the point when she starts extracting blood from her body like a viper. Then you know for sure, the early days of a woman has been hell.Unlike a man, whose jell begins the day he’s forced to hustle for survival. Women live in survive mode. All these early uprising has helped shaped & modified her into an embodiment of strength. What about the sacrificial life of a woman? That she lays down her life for her kids… just like Christ laid His life for His sheep. Women are semi-gods on earth. She takes charge over the affairs & nurturing of her little ones… even to the point of pausing her own life or experiencing a setback in life — while the men still have the luxury of roaming about the street.

The societal life of a woman has helped siphoned her mind like an iron. She already knows how to walk through the miry clay without fear—unscathed. Brothers old enough to be her uncle have been on her neck since she what’s growing on her chest is now big enough to harvest. Men have been on her neck for the taste of her body since she was yet adolescent. Most guys don’t experience this until they’re fully of age. Hence, the experience difference. Life happens to a woman real quick, unlike men who attain a specific age before all these starts to unfold. Fast forward to the time a woman begins to have sexual intercourse with men.

Right from her childhood days, she’s got many experiences concerning sex-education… most especially from her mother. Many fathers don’t have the time to lecture their sons extensively on romantic affairs with ladies—hence the validity gap. Plus how to deal with women’s women per say.In the sexual market, women are more priced than men. Table a man, table a woman… the woman gets bought real quick times without numbers—even at a huge price!All these experiences has helped shaped a woman’s libido, cognitive intuition into a catalogue of untainted vessels rather a weaker vessel we assume them to be. Assumption is the foundation of frustration.



A man who perceives a woman to be weak is a fool & he’ll suffer for his foolishness. That’s the greatest risk a man can imbibe in this present age. As we’ve learnt from history—ask Samson, ask Solomon. Some women they call weak have brought down great & abiding men, strong & vibrant chariots. The president that controls the whole nation is being controlled by a woman in one corner of the bedroom. What women consume during sex, as a guy… can you swallowed it? They carry a human in their tummy for a lengthy period of time… which guy can do that? The last man that tried, died in the process. Never again you call a woman weak… if you don’t want to be persecuted. They stay with a baby for nurturing up to 3 years; how many father can pamper a baby for 3minutes without giving up. The hollow works of a woman are terribly demanding, time-consuming & soul-draining.At every birth, a woman gives up every iota of her life to birth a new soul upon the earth. Don’t say because men carry swords & spears to the battlefield for war—women fight in ruins effortlessly, that a man would sat & watch. They ignite fury without any devices & conquer battles night in, night out… without breaking a sweat.WOMEN ARE NOT WEAK, THEY’RE MORE STRONGER THAN WE THINK.

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