The king clocks 40: 4 hidden secrets you never heard about Cristiano Ronaldo.

Note: Asides being the greatest player of his generation… he’s also among the wisest men to grace the earth.

No. 4 secret will sweep you off your feet!

1). He prioritises his health like no other. He knows the mystery, that’s why he cherish his health like a new born baby. Ronnie (as he is fondly called) is 40 today, but he looks much younger than many 24years old footballers. He knows the greatest form of wealth is health – that’s why he invested heavily into it.

His training routine is unmatched. His discipline is a point of reference for other footballers. He trains 5 days a week. He has different top-notch training equipment to play with — both at his club’s training facility and even his home.

He neither drinks alcohol, nor any soda drink. He doesn’t smoke neither eat any sort of junk foods.

Even at 40, man is still outshining his younger peers & banging goals week in week out.

A report from the ŜĮ statistics ranks him among the top 3 fittest athletes of the world. A great feat for the Portuguese man.

Finally, he drinks only water!

2). Aside his football earnings, he has deemed it fit to invest heavily into diverse businesses. No doubt, he’s one of the highest paid footballers… but that (alone) doesn’t guarantee long-term wealth. No disrespect to the legends out there… but we’ve the likes of Mike Tyson who was handsomely paid during the peak of his career… but later ran dry at the twilight of it.

CR7 has created so many businesses like building 5-star hotels, producing his own water brand, has his own perfume brand, and also founded a new wellness app—called erakulis.

Aside being the greatest footballer, he knows everything comes to an end someday… man is planning life after retirement as he’s closer to it as the day breaks.

3). As socialize and fashionable as he is, man’s got no tattoo on his body. His reason? So he can donate blood at will. Crazy, right? That’s Ronaldo for you.

He’s been a blood donor for years. That is one of the kind aspect of Ronaldo that most people don’t know. I shake my head when some people call him proud, rude, arrogant etc.

Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!

4). Cristiano Ronaldo’s girlfriend is one of the hottest babe in the world. Even at 31… she’s still rocking her pretty like a 21 year old lady. Same as her man (Ronaldo).

But, do you know? Despite being together since 2011… Ronaldo hasn’t married her legally. Why? He’s afraid of losing his wealth to divorce. As we all know the western law governing the divorce issues… as it favors women the most & put men in despair.

Ronaldo may be wise… but kudos to Georgina Rodriguez for being an understanding woman.

Note: They already have 3 kids amongst themselves.

Conclusion: Everything great today, start small yesterday. And every great man today, was yesterday a common man. It’s the path we tread that determines where we land. Everyone at the top today didn’t just get there suddenly, they climbed their way up from the bottom.

Success is a process, but can be a destination too. In order to arrive there? You need discipline, sacrifice, dedication, determination, consistency to book a seat at the table of the great.

It won’t be easy… no one said it is. But let me leave you with this quote:

“Nothing is ever impossible for he who is not afraid to try!”