As a guy, missing these 3 key-notes in your future wife is a big risk. Among the necessary requirements to fulfill destiny in life is Marriage.
Finding the one you love in this lonely world & deciding to tour the world with such. It’s such a beautiful experience every man wants to feel… including the Pope & Reverend Father.
However, as glamorous as this concept (Marriage) is, it could be a trap when not approached with sense. Some have encountered this mystery & have upgraded in their life’s journey—while some entered into it & they’re feeling the heat.
If you don’t want to be among those who will experience the bitter side of Marriage… then these 3 keys will open the door of successful marriage unto you:
1). Beauty : Unlike the ones you’ve been fed that first thing to check in a woman is character. Now, let me ask you: ” Can you taste a bread to check if it’s delicious or not without first buying it “
That’s same for character. You can’t know a lady’s character from afar… except you approach & mingle with her.
On the contrary, you’re walking on your street, & you see a lady. First thing that’ll attract you is her beauty. Beauty in the way she speaks, walks… or even endowment.
So beauty is the first thing that attracts you in a woman. Trust me, nobody wants to marry an ugly woman. Beauty is not just about a pretty face only — yes! That’s part of it.
A pure soul, kind heart is beauty in a woman coupled with those pre-listed before.
2). Attitude : Attitude is different from character. As character is different from behaviour. One can have a good character, but displaying a poor attitude.
Attitude is the skeptical demonstration of the character in you. Attitude is the way you act & react. Without proper attitude at the helms, no woman is fit for Marriage.
Like I’ve analysed in the previous point, beauty attracts a man… character keeps him!
The beauty of a lady can attract you, but it’s her right attitude that’ll keep you. Without a good attitudinal disposition from her… she can’t give you peace.
Peace is the core-requirement in a marriage; because without it… there can’t be joy in the marriage.
A home void of joy is hell.
3). Her Past : It’s safe when they say, ‘ don’t bother to dig the past, let the past remain in the past ‘. This is very unsafe in marriage. It’s a risk!
The joy of every marriage is to be fruitful — that is children. Life & time pass in every generation. No matter how old you grow… your time will pass, it’s your children that’ll carry on your legacy.
Infact, here’s a bitter truth: 90% people marry because of kids. Why then will you marry someone who can’t womb a child again because of her past lifestyle.
Believe it or not, your woman’s past is extremely crucial to your future. Your children are your heritage, any womb that’ll carry them must be a worthy one.
A woman’s bad past can destroy your great future. Take caution! If her past is worse, it could dent your reputable image. A woman who has wasted herself in the past has become empty.
You’ve to scrutinize her past, so you’ll know who exactly she is. To know if she’ll be the right fit for your empire. Don’t marry a woman that’ll ruin the legacy you’ve built.
Pro Tip :
A wealthy businessman unknowingly married a harlot… one of her past suitors came publicly on air & revealed how he has molested her sexually in the past. This revelation ruined the rich man’s career.
Advice: ” If you don’t want to weep tomorrow, check what she did yesterday! “